We all need a place to rest, to feel safe and to shelter. A place to let go and totally relax. A place to restore ourselves and sleep in peace. Learning how to nurture ourselves is part of creating a sanctuary for ourselves. Creating our home. The way we think and act creates our home. The way we nurture ourselves creates our home.

“Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Your time and energy are precious. You get to choose how you use it. You teach people how to treat you by deciding what you will and won’t accept.” - Anna Taylor
As we transform within, we transform the world around us. The foundation of nurture is gentleness. We need to be gentle with ourselves. With our emotions. With our bodies. We need to be gentle with the feelings that aren’t gentle. It’s the constant repetition of many tiny habits, which together soothe you and make sure you’re at your optimum - emotionally, physically and mentally. The best way to do this is to implement tiny self-care habits every day. To regularly include in your life a little bit of love and attention for your own body, mind, and soul. Gently pay attention and start to notice what brings out the joy within you and take action!
“When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.” - Jean Shinoda Bolen
Spend time doing more of the things you love and you’ll notice what a wonderful affect it has on the people around you and your environment. You’ll notice your habits changing of their own accord and how you're drawn to people and places that uplift you. Your habits will become more uplifting too! The more gentle you are with yourself, the more gentle the world is with you!
“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Resting and being with yourself is the foundation of our wellbeing. When we rest we allow life to be the way it is naturally and we feel more peaceful. We also start to notice a lot more and can give it our loving attention. Our ‘inner’ attention is naturally nurturing and loving.
“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” - Anne Lamott
Give your body ten minutes of mindful attention. You can begin the practice by lying on the floor, or a mat, or on your bed. Basically, you can begin by focusing your attention at the top of your head and then move down the body, or vice versa. It’s good to start with a guided practice to get a sense of how to move your attention up or down the body.
"Our bodies are our gardens, to the which our wills are gardeners.” - William Shakespeare
When we give ourselves loving attention, it’s like being our own Inner Nurturing Parent. This inner nurturing parent is loving and supportive; forgiving of mistakes and effortlessly recognises how precious and important we are. That's what a loving parent does, it recognises the preciousness of life and transforms our habits into daily, loving action.

“Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love.” - Brené Brown
Say loving things to yourself. Tell yourself "I love you and I appreciate who you are." When you do something well, give yourself a pat on the back. Say, "Great job! I'm so proud of you." When you're struggling or feeling low, be supportive by saying, "I'm here for you. You're not alone." Notice the unkind thoughts and love them too - notice how they change as you are loving to them.
Try these simple ways to nurture yourself as a way to create wonderful changes in your life:
Feel how wonderful it is to breathe! Make some time, lie down somewhere comfy and simply breathe! Breathe deep into your abdomen, and let the air expand up through your stomach and chest. Totally slow the breathe down and notice how the body feels afterwards.
Activate your self-soothing system. Lie down, slow down your breath, allow your focus to wander, stroke/massage your body. Completely let go of the time and let go.
Give your body the complete freedom to move and dance how it wants! Put on your favorite music and move!
Narrow your food choices. Pick two healthy breakfasts, lunches, and dinners and rotate for the week.
Be still. Sit somewhere green, and be quiet - letting go of the time.
Bathe in the sunlight, especially if you’re in a cold climate.

START NOW! Take good care of yourself and do nice things for yourself TODAY. Get into the habit of doing special things for yourself. Make yourself a cup of tea with the nurturing energy that you'd have when preparing tea for someone you love. Visit the sauna, get a massage or draw yourself a bath filled with special salts. Linger in it and relax. Make yourself a candlelight dinner, a delicious meal in a special setting. Cuddle yourself. Treat yourself as a loving parent would treat you.
“If you want to fly, you have to give up what weighs you down” -
Roy T. Bennett
SoulSimple Retreat gives you the TIME TO LOOK AFTER YOURSELF. This is a place of total relaxation and restoration. A magical place of transformation. Here you will find the space and support you need to relax, heal and make the changes you truly want. We are here to totally support you on your journey.
Here are some of the benefits you will experience from gifting yourself time here:
- Total relaxation
- Serenity and calmness of mind
- Increased self-awareness
- Boost your energy levels
- Bring yourself back to aliveness
- Ability to deeply listen and observe yourself
- Experience innate wisdom, insight and clarity
- Transform the way you experience life
We have created a unique collection of healing treatments and retreats, especially designed for women to meet and for us to nourish you on your retreat.
Nurtured Woman: COCOONING TREATMENT (2 hours)
This is a time to go deeply inwards and be completely held in a profoundly safe and nurturing space for deep transformation. You are massaged and wrapped in traditional mexican fabrics (called rebozo's) and it's like being in a chrysalis - a space of powerful transformation! In the cocoon you will receive guided visualisations and angelic energy healing. As part of the session you will be shown self massage to nurture yourself at home.
Nurtured Woman: WOMB HEALING & FERTILITY MASSAGE (2 hours)
In a beautifully nurturing ambience, connect more deeply with your creative centre and empower the feminine throne within. Awaken ancient body wisdom. This treatment combines massage, shiatsu and angelic energy healing. As part of the session you will be shown self massage to nurture yourself at home.
Nurtured Woman: THE DIVINE FEMININE RETREAT (3 hours)
- 30 min: Golden light guided heart meditation
- 60 min: Divine Mother rebirthing breathwork journey with angelic crystal alchemy singing bowls
- 90 min: Womb healing & fertility massage
Nurtured Woman: THE DIVINE MOTHER RETREAT (5 hours for 2-4 women)
- 30 min: Golden light guided heart meditation
- 120 min: Sitting in a circle in a sacred Divine Ceremony and sharing the ritual womb rite of the Munay Ki.
- 90 min: Candle light cacao ceremony with drum journey
- 60 min: Full body massage
For further information about our Nurtured Woman healing treatments and retreats, please visit www.soulsimple.co.uk or email us at retreats@soulsimple.co.uk.